Dry-Aged roast from woolly pig – Simply Delicious!
The Mangalica pig, originally from Hungary, is one of the most delicious pig breeds. Properly kept, the meat is a delicacy that is incredibly popular among gourmets. Not only beef can mature in the dry-ager, but also pork of the best quality.
The quality should be respected. It should be as high as possible and should be dispensed with low-quality pork from mass storage. For then it can be matured, unfold its taste and serve for a fine roast. We made a crusty roast with matured pork and loved it!
Preparation: Dry-Aged crust roast of the woolly pig
- Make a marinade from the mustard, caraway, honey, peppers and chopped garlic.
- Cut small squares on the side of the ham and season with salt and pepper.
- Fry the marinade from all sides on the skin side with the marinade.
- Saute the ham on the skin side over medium heat for approx. 10 minutes.
- Peel the onions and dice them.
- Place the cubes together with the bone in the pan and also fry briefly.
- Turn the roasts over and apply the marinade to the skin. Use a portion of the beer to extinguish.
- Put in the pan at 100-130 ° C in the oven.
- Slowly cook the crusty roasts for about 4-5 hours in the oven, then add the rest of the beer.
Ingredients: Dry-Aged Crustaceans of the woolly pig
- 1 kg of ham or leg of the Dry Aged Warthog
- 3 onions
- 200 g of porcine bones
- 1 bottle of dark beer
- 1 pinch of salt
- 1 pinch of pepper
- 1 tablespoon saucepan
- 1 tbsp honey
- 2 tsp ground caraway
- 2 tbsp mustard
- 1 chopped clove of garlic
- 1 tsp paprika noble sweet
Tip: Bring the sauce to a saucepan or foodstuff and season with salt. Add some honey. Then place the roast in the oven for 15 minutes until the crust is crisp.