Panning a dry-aged steak

Many steak fans say dry-aged steaks taste the best from the grill. The smoky aroma underscores the taste components excellently. If you do not have time to wait for the grill to heat up, the dry-age steaks can also be put into the pan. Because with some skill, it tastes at least as delicious as grilled.
The cattle like it hot
Beef prefers a strong heat during the preparation. This is not just for dry-aged steaks. The sharp frying develops smoky toasted aromas and the outside of the meat becomes beautifully crisp. So that the panning steak succeeds, it needs properly heat. Therefore, both the pan and the frying pan should be heat-resistant.
The right pan
As you would like, you lie – or in this case it should be: The right pan makes the taste of a good dry-aged steak. Never use aluminum pans. On the one hand, aluminum is suspected of being harmful to health. On the other hand, it is not sufficiently heat-loadable. Much better here are stainless steel models or cast-iron pans. If the latter are expertly baked, the dry-age steaks do not stick in it either. The Steak Pan from DRY AGER combines all positive material properties in one pan and delivers the best frying results. A ribbed base burns the typical pattern into the meat, whereby the DRY AGER pan can also score here: A bull’s head in the middle lends the steak a unique branding.
Butter or oil?
Whether butter or oil is the better alternative, the panning steak becomes the issue. The answer is surprising: it is best to use (butter) lard. The lard combines the aromas of the butter and the heat-responsiveness of the oil.
A bit of rest
Before you can cook the dry-age steaks, it should be able to rest. To change directly from the cold to the heat is also a shock for steaks. This results in fluid and proteins that make the finished steak gray and dry. The dry-age steaks should rest at room temperature for at least 30 minutes before they are placed in the pan. Even if the finished steak comes back from the pan, it may take some rest. Wait 5-10 minutes before serving.
All in a pan
Bake the beefsteak hot in the pan and then add it in the oven as a safe technique for a juicy result. The dry-age steaks can also be cooked completely in the pan. To do this you should simply turn them into the minute by minute, so they can evenly fry. For an “English steak” a total of 2 minutes, for a medium well about 4 minutes.
The ultimate panning tricks
To fry the perfect dry-age steaks, you should consider the following tricks:
- First heat the pan and then let the oil get hot in it, only then comes the steak
- Before stewing, steal the steaks dry
- Always use a panswinder and never a meat fork for turning
- Look at the correct timing for the salt. Best season after roasting.